Advertise With Masterworks
When you advertise with Masterworks, our audience is your audience. Not only are you providing essential support to Oakville’s local arts community, but your ad will receive prime placement in our fall and spring concert programs, as well as a featured spot in our newsletter.
Masterworks has one of the largest audiences in Oakville. Each concert has an estimated audience of 350 per night, and our newsletter is distributed among over 1,350, making advertising with Masterworks a great way to directly reach a large local, well educated, affluent, and community-minded target market.
Distributed at each of our four annual concerts, the program is an approximately 18 x 13 cm (5 x 7 in) black and white booklet that provides a variety of advertising opportunities, including:
- Business Card (5cm X 8 cm)
- 1/4 Page (6cm x 13cm)
- 1/2 Page (9cm x 13cm)
- Full Page (18cm x 13cm)
Advertisements may be purchased for the season, or for a single concert. A limited number of colour advertisement spots are available – contact us today to inquire.